Join the Team!

Join the Team!

Important Documents to Look At! 👀

Interested? Reach Out!

Election season has arrived! As an ASME officer, you will build leadership skills, make great friends, and improve the UT ME community.

If you are interested in any of the ASME Officer Positions, check out the description for each role. See a role you like? Sign up for a Coffee Chat with the current officer, ask questions, and connect! Coffee chats open March 5th and close March 21st.

Election and Appointment Process

There are two stages to the formation of the ASME Officer Team.

The first stage is the Elected Position Stage, which determines the executive team of the officer board. These positions include the President, Vice President, Corporate Liaison, Treasurer, and Secretary. Elected Officer applications are due by Monday, March 24th at 11:59 PM and must be submitted in PDF form to After submissions close, candidates will be notified and will present a 4 minute speech and 3 minute Q&A at the Election Meeting on Wednesday, March 26th at 6pm. Candidates can also run for up to 3 elected positions, but they will also need to present for each position separately. Presidential candidates, however, must have served on the officer team previously to be considered. During the meeting, the ballot will go live, and all ASME members will have a 24 hour window to view presentations and vote.

The second stage is the Appointed Officer selection. Members can apply for these appointed positions: Events Coordinator, Academic Affairs, Community Affairs, Membership, External Affairs, Technical Affairs, Sports Coordinator, Publicity, and Historian. Appointed Officer applications are due by Sunday, March 30th at 11:59 PM and must be submitted in PDF form to The newly elected executive team will conduct interviews with all candidates and decide on the remaining officer team for the year.