Test Bank
Below is a list of courses we have tests for.
Adding to the test bank:
How to use:
Come to our office at ETC 2.130B with your UT ID that should have your ASME sticker on the back and show it to an officer inside. Look through the computer on top of the filing cabinets for the tests you want and click print. Easy!
You may hand them to any officer in the office in person or email them to our Academic Affairs Coordinator, Timothy Gao, at academicaffairs.utasme@gmail.com. Ensure that your grade, the professor’s name, and the course number are written on the test. If you want your tests back, please let us know when you hand them in.
If you are in an ASME Family, let us know so we can give extra points to your family!
For each test, quiz, or lab you submit, your name gets entered into a raffle that is drawn at the end of each semester for a $10 voucher to our snack shop! Check out what can be yours here!
How many tests can I print?
As many as you want!
Does a test I submit have to be ME related?
No, we take all subjects and courses.
Can I access the test bank online?
No, please come to our office at ETC 2.130B.
Does the grade on my test submission matter if I want to submit?
Nope! Your test may not end up in the bank, but you still get entered into the raffle.
How much do we appreciate more test submissions?